Student Conduct

This agreement establishes the standards of behavior expected from student-athletes to promote a positive and respectful athletic environment. 

As a student-athlete, I agree to: 

1.   Commitment: Attend all practices, games, and team meetings, and notify coaches in advance if unable to attend. 

2.   Respect: Treat coaches, teammates, opponents, and officials with respect at all times. 

3.   Sportsmanship: Demonstrate good sportsmanship, including graciousness in winning and losing. 

4.   Teamwork: Support and encourage teammates, fostering a cooperative team spirit. 

5.   Academic Responsibility: Maintain a passing academic record, prioritizing education alongside athletics. 

6.   Behavior: Follow all school and team rules, including those related to conduct on and off the field. 

7.   Substance Abuse: Abstain from the use of illegal substances, alcohol, or tobacco. 

Failure to adhere to this code may result in: 

1.   A verbal warning. 

2.   A written warning. 

3.   Suspension or removal from the team, depending on the severity of the violation. 

By signing below, I acknowledge that I have read and understood the expectations outlined in this Code of Conduct and agree to uphold them. 


Parent conduct